I saw Yinan's picture on friendster / facebook just now, and found that he became more and more handsome! hahaha..
and he told me it was the effects of the camera -_-'
I told Yinan about the friend who called Yuhui to go down Orchard to find her on Christmas morning. Wahahaha... in the end, we concluded with only a word. LAME.
Till now I still really, don't understand, why of all friends, that girl called hui? And don't that girl go Orchard for count down with ANOTHER BUNCH OF FRIENDS? then why need hui to go down? *Paiseh, i very angry because I lost concentration on my mahjong that day, and lose money -_-'
I told Yinan that if this girl is alone in orchard, because she went down orchard for countdown alone, I'll sure be the first one to go down orchard instead of hui. Weird uh? even if i don't know her? yeah...
because i'm sure i will drag this bimbo down the street, and drag her up to the highest level and ask her to jump down herself. WHO ON EARTH WILL GO TO ORCHARD ALONE DURING CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN!? AND HELLO? YOU SHOULD HAVE EXPECT YOURSELF BEING TOUCHED BY THOSE UGLIES RIGHT?
Fakers -_-' can you find a better excuse to get someone down next time?
(*opps* scolded abit over. sorliii!!! got nothing to vent my anger on. )
Was talking to Ray just now, about the fireworks tomorrow. I thought that it would be at esplanade's area. However, the fireworks is going to be at Sentosa area, wonder if I will be able to see it clearly. haha...
How i hope that it would be at esplanade! because my house can see it very very clearly!!!
Alright, back to the main topic that we started off the chat. Why Singapore want to spend so much money on the fireworks?
- Yup, Tourist.
and where they get so much money from?
- Singaporean's tax -_-'
ohh, abit turned off -_-' I asked bear to help me check about the gst off set things as today is the last day for my mum to register online. and not much help was given. but, thanks anyway.
What should i work as, and what should i plan on to be in future? the standard of living is increasing, and our pay still remains the same. how are we going to survive??? =( i need to be very very rich! how rich? 10-20k of income every month? it might only be considered as average living personnels in future!!! imagine -_-''' omg~~~~~~~ @_@
anyway... seriously speaking. I wanna spend my new year count down at home. really. I don't like crowds, and i swear i will sure lose my temper tomorrow.
advantages of counting down with bunch of bao beis.
1. bondings
2. meanings
3. fun
1. hard to find a place to celebrate
2. someone might be left out
3. nothing to do
4. crowds
5. squeezy
6. traffic jam
7. no cab
8. cab fare bloody expensive
9. need to remove make up after reaching home
10. sleeping late / sleeping in the morning again -_-'
writtern @12/31/2007 01:33:00 AM
Wanted to post an entry earlier on after reading Ser's blog, but forgotten. ^^"
Kind of got alot of FEELINGS after I saw the entry. Hehe... Good feeling I mean.
This count down is kind of important for all of us too! Like what Ser said, its a new beginning for us all for Year 2008 and byebye to emotional Year 2007.
Alot of things did happened in Year 2007, happy things, unhappy things, smooth sailing, tough goings etc etc...
Let me list down...
January : Left VE
Febuary : Went back to T.E
March : First time working as a Sales Coordinator at G2000, got together with A
April : Worked at TS for awhile @_@
May : We broke up; Got a new job (@Honda) ; Sold our condo ; Ah ma passed away.
June : Went around to look for houses; Bank loan not approve
July : Was kind of forced to shift out of the condo due to miscommunication and the bloody property agent ; Shifted in to stay for a while with Ah Bear & Family.
August : Got into TWR for part time
September : Signed for our this new house
October : Planned to shift house after first appointment ; Passed my Basic Theory Test; Signed up for SIM ; Dad passed away =(
November : Everything got delayed; Insurance; CPF; Bank; Lawyer
December : Shifted in; SIM approved ; Passed my Final Theory Test; Took driving lesson.
Luckily I have this bunch of
bao beis to accompany me go along this lonely, scary, saddening journey. hehe...
*attn : Ms Ser- I'm not gonna use
BABIES on you all, as
BABIES or rather
BABY is for
SOMEONE already. =)
We had steamboat just now! haha.. initially invited Ser and Tong over only, and in the end all turned up except hui. ^^" feel so bad and uneasy without him around during gatherings. But all the best to his project-last minute-rush. lolxz @_@

Add ons : Just now Bear was abit worried about his brother because his brother was out for jog at around 10.30pm, and till 12.20, his brother is not back yet. He was damn worried, and I told him to slap his brother at around 12.30pm when he returned. sighhhhh
He said cannot, *of cos...
But.. how i wish I can slap my dad. =( but he never come back =( sighhhhhhh =(
writtern @12/31/2007 12:10:00 AM
Today's Highlights!
- Christmas Eve!
- Christmas!
- Christmas dinner!
- Mahjong-ing
- Prezzies!
- Lack Of Sleep
- Alvin & The Chipmunks!

Dinner @ 511 Market! [The aftermath of food fighting]
The Pink Hat
The 2 Main Character of the day (Prezzie): Superman & Spongebob
* for those who never watch before, MUST WATCH!
The night time Plaza Singapura
Drag my Ah Ma & Mum to take pictures with me. Wahahaha!!!
writtern @12/25/2007 10:53:00 PM
I was kind of left with no choice just now while confronting Esther inside the room.
Fuck her life.
I left at 5.30pm just now, which I was supposed to go home 1.5 hrs before that. What I got was alot of blamings and stuffs. They will never be satisfied with what we do. They won't compliment about the good things and hardwork we do, but only pin-point at the fault that we did.
Ya, that is what life is in the society isn't it? Hahahaha....
I received the receipt from SIM stating that they had received my cheque for the first semester.
Should I withdraw the cheque, and continue working at KM, and part time at TWR? Or should I fuck care about KM and go find another $500 lesser pay job outside? Which to choose?
Should I skip school on every friday after all my leave is used up?
I'm not robot. Fuck you Esther.
I was really down with food poisoning that day, and you expect me to bring my toilet bowl to work on that day? And with that reason, you rejected my request to take half day leave every friday next year to go to my school. FUCK YOU!
Stop acting like you will protect us bitch, you said that you'll ask OLS, and in the end, you never even mention a single thing to her. Anyway, I already know what OLS is going to say when she hear from you. FINE! YOU BITCHES ARE NOT HUMAN, HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU GOING TO UNDERSTAND US?
writtern @12/24/2007 11:15:00 PM
I'm at bear's house now.
Came here yesterday after dinner with yu hui they all for his birthday. Played mahjong and lost almost all my money till 4am in the morning, then bear send yu hui, serene, tong yi, sis and me back.
Went out early in the morning, wanted to go for k lunch, but the bento sold out -_-''''
Then we went for Sakae Sushi, yeah, again -_-''''
- $20
Walk around, and shop around, till Tong's friend called and ask her for movie. And, Tong really went to join the friend for movie! o_O wouldn't it be weird? lolxz... Saw this gold blink blink shoe just now, and because of offer, I bought one pair of it back. :P
- $10
Went to get some plastic wrapper for $1.05 each.
- $2.10
Then to Wallet shop, wanting to get a Wallet for me. And I saw 2 wallets that I like alot. One last stock, one without black in color.
- $66, bought both. -_-'
Follow by the Memory Stick -_-'
- $35 for my 1GB M2 Memory Stick
- $19 for Yi's Memory Stick <- Her Christmas Prezzie. :P
Then i finally signed up for Starhub's plan - Internet & Cable.
Not a bad offer actually.
Internet : 8mbps instead of 6mbps, for $44.95 instead of $57.95. Free activation fee, free modem
SCV : All the channels I want for $45 per month too. This 2 years contract is giving off a 20" LCD Tv~
All I need to pay was the Digital Voice Cable Modem's money so as to use house phone, and the activation fee for this only.
- $85 cash and carry for DVCM
- $60 Activation fee for Digital Voice, $45 for Internet, $45 for SCV. All together $150 next month.
So imagine how much I've spent today. Almost $200 uh?
Went to TM with Andy the other day. Somemore, spent alot of money too.
- Converse Bag for Ah Wee - $39.90
- Candies - $3.70
- Prezzie - $24.90
- Shirt - $29
$90 plus~~~
writtern @12/21/2007 09:59:00 PM
[At DXO]
Here I am again! lolxz...
I'm alone in office today. haha.. Ms Chua went to Hong Kong le!!! FREEDOM!!!!
But its kind of bored without her around nagging. But i feel like slapping her when i see the whole stack of paper left by her on my table -_-' asking me to chase for payments again. lolxz...
Been going with and without internet these few days @_@
My PG is still damn pain! =(
I was so proud of Tim that day at DXO! haha... But so disappointed with Mr Cat what happen after DXO -_-'
Even a few cents a few distant he can also calculate until like ... -_-'
I swear I'm not going to be in contact with that person anymore.
[After DXO]
I ate alot!!!!!
I really slimmed down by 6 kgs after visiting Dr Tan. Lolxz... Hopefully the weighing machine is not spoilt? WAY TO GO!
[STS - NYNY] I look like their mummy -_-'

[Spring Chicken - Lucky its already dead]
[Tong & Me]
*Paiseh Serene, this one is uploaded at my part-time place, don't have pictures of you and mine in Tong's facebook, so I'll upload ours once I got the internet!
writtern @12/19/2007 10:57:00 AM
Been busy recently because of shifting house and stuffs. haha... Finally I'm here to update something about myself @_@.
A few things to complain and update! haha..
1. No internet / Lousy internet connection at this new house!!!! (we haven't subscribe to any of the internet provider actually)
2. Been transferring between LK and Ubi. Aww, I hate it. It cost me $2 to there and $2 back! imagine, $4 per day on transport, how much would it be in a month!? OMG!~
3. I passed my final theory!
4. SIM accepted my application!
5. I need to pay $1391 for the school fee -_-'
6. I don't have the money before my pay day which is on the 25th. And the date due for the school fee is on the 19th -_-'
7. I got my PDL!
8. I found a driving instructor! $22 / hr, currently the lowest of all!
9. Heard from ah bear, the uncle will ask you to drive on the road straight on the first day -_-''
10. Idiot, whole body pain because aunty ask me to shift all the catalogues into the cabinets -_-'
I spent 4 hours in Ops room just to pack those dusty rubbish. 1 pkt of catalogues = 50 pieces of catalogues. I packed 100 pkts of catalogues, with that bloody uniform just now. IMAGINE!? Muscles!!! omfg~
11. I'VE BEEN EATING ALOT!!!! Fried chicken, curry and cabbage plus rice for lunch. I touched Milo!!!! and Grilled chicken foldover, with sesame paste plus tapioca tidbits now!
AHHHH!!!!! shall not eat so much tomorrow. its scaring me. =(
writtern @12/13/2007 09:58:00 PM
eeeeeeeeee hhaaaaaaa!!!!!
finally the wedding dinner is over!!! done my hair, done my dress and done my makeups~ haa..
and even Uncle Ben also say my make up really was successful. No successfully ugly! lolxz.. =D
but it really means that 我今天被打回原型 (without makeups and the nerdy spects.)
anyway.. talking about the new puppy at home...

this stupid puppy -_-'
HE was supposed to be locked inside the fence to be toilet trained. And it went crying, barking the whole morning and managed to get himself out of the fence, and
SHIT and
WIMP outside my room.
Can you imagine seeing A PILE OF SHIT early in the morning? Can you imagine RUNNING AROUND looking for newspaper to PICK THOSE SHITS early in the morning? Can you imagine NOBODY ANSWER THEIR PHONE when you called out for help when you're going to be LATE FOR WORK?
I made it sound very clear to Bear and his sister that if they want to get a fence to fence this puppy up to be toilet trained, leave it there to cry to bark, and it will get TRAINED. IF NOT, don't fucking spend so much money to buy what PEE TRAY la, what fucking FENCE lah...!
but in the end, the bloody brother came back from army and let the puppy run around again. YOU THINK YOU KNOW HOW TO TRAIN A PUPPY? The dog you saw previously with your ex girlfriend is not the same as this PUPPY ok!?
Let me tell you this, you're hardly at home, you don't know what kind of shit those people left at home in the day need to do. So don't try act like you know what you're doing.
Anyway, I'm shifting out soon, getting out of the torture of seeing things I don't like.
writtern @12/04/2007 11:57:00 PM
Woke up at 9am today. Unable to sleep till anytime later than that =( On my comp, watched naruto, hang the clothes and out I go to Parkway to meet mum!
we went to bugis to look for shoes, and in the end dad's friend from the "xin tua" called and told her there's something on at 9pm, and its 5.30 when we just reached bugis. and we need to go back to bedok again -_-'
had our dinner at old house there -_-' didn't really enjoy it much, because mum was so in a rush of time, and there're alot of flies' dead body dropping from above. ASK ME HOW TO EAT!?
took a few pics with mum and wee~ haa... oooo

anyway, I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE TO RUSH HERE AND THERE WHEN WE GO OUT. I just wanna relax and walk around, slack around when i'm outside. What for I rush here and there? if that's how things work, then DON'T GO OUT LA! wth...
awww.. just now received a message from ah bear "AH WAN, SAY FIRST AHH... MY HSE GOT DOG LE" -_-''' woof woof~
writtern @12/03/2007 12:09:00 AM