Went to dinner with mum just now. Skipped my driving lesson today as I wasn't feeling really well because of lack of sleep these few days @_@.
Went home, and scolded my mum because she was rushing for her Pineapple tarts and she refused to eat. wahaha... and i told her...
and she gave up refusing to eat. wahaha...
Treated 三姨 and 小姨 for dinner and chatted abit about what I'm doing recently...
1. Went to work part time at Style Bridal
2. Started out at Patrick Mirandah Co.
Wahahaha... Lets start with PMC first.
Mum ask aunties to ask me “你工作的时候做什么?”,and my reply was "做bo~"
Told them about the stupid bloody kid kept calling the shop and look for his mum
SBK (stupid bloody kid) : 我要找妈妈!!!
Me : 你妈妈不在。。。
*hang phone*
*1 min later*
SBK : 妈妈!!!!!我不管啦啊啊!!!!ALVIN LEI!!!!
Me : *Polite* 他们还没有回来
SBK : 他妈的!
*hang phone*
*5 min later*
SBK : 妈妈!!!为什么他还没有回来!!!!!!妈妈!!!!!!
and repeat the above for 3 - 4 times.
in the end...
SBK : 妈妈!
Me : 他还没有回来
no comment.
2nd incident, overheard their conversation a few days ago..
LBN (老板娘) : 我儿子的同学打他,我到MOE complain他学校的校长
Crews : huh!? 发生什么事? *Thinking that her son got into trouble AGAIN*
LBN : 因为我的儿子被他的同学挂了一巴掌之后,对方的家长愿意赔偿我儿子被人挂巴掌的医药费,然后校长就喊 CASE CLOSE.
LBN : 然后我就问校长,“不然我巴他们的儿子两把我还他们 Double! 要不然 Triple? ”
you know who she learnt all these from? for 1 of her SBKs -_-'
SBK : “妈!我被人打,我要你帮我撑腰,如果他们说要还医药费,你跟他们说,叫他们的儿子给我打了你还医药费 ”
guess there's gonna be another 败类 in the society in future...
so, if that's the case, please wait till he kill someone then you be his scapegoat, because you love him -_-'
How did i get into this topic while talking to them?? haha...
Mum was telling me that ah Mond is going to court tomorrow, and i clapped my hands.
Its not that i don't like him or what, but I JUST HATE TO SEE PEOPLE AROUND ME GOT INTO THIS KIND OF RUBBISH.
Its not like his close one didn't persuade him to go back onto the right track.
His mum spoilt him.
and he might be facing sentences to jail~ congrats. and lets see what his parents are going to tell his relatives during chinese new year! hahaha...
abit sadist hoh.. haha.. but that's what i feel lahhh,
1。 是他自找的
2。 是他妈妈害的
3。 他妈妈根本都没资格伤心,因为儿子会变得这样也是因为她一直顺着他,随他. She should have seen it coming.
4。 我妈妈也不应该为了这种事而伤心,因为那家伙出来后会更坏,我想, 他没有中过一次真的很糟糕的他是不会罢休 example - murdering~
another 败类 in the society.
anyway, 我们只要顾好自己的本分就好了吧,我们也没有什么资格去那人面前教训他, as long as 他不要 "chap" 到这里就好了,管这么多干嘛!?
die liao... tired~~~ gonna quickly do my report liao den go sleep~~~ zzzzzz
writtern @1/29/2008 10:46:00 PM
Sometimes, I really feel that what I did to people around me are being taken for granted for or rather, people feel that those things that I do, are the things I SHOULD do.
e.g. Purposely going down to Bedok to take something for someone
ya.. I agreed to help out, No one force me to.
Stupid uh?
Maybe I'm too bored.
Why can't I sleep?
Sleepless nights~ I can't take it anymore... But I just.. can't sleep!!! -_-' wthh~~~
Wasting so much of my time...
Found myself getting uglier and uglier... tak boleh tahan. -_-'''
Gonna learn some melayu to cekap in future~ wahaha...
aku nak tido... =(
hari hari malam tak tido, kersihatan tak bagus
suddenly remember this "aku cinta tata mu" <- by mr luo -_-' lolxz.. i onli noe is i like
tata mu dunno what's that tata mu~ lolxz..
writtern @1/29/2008 02:54:00 AM
***Guy's point of view ****
This is very cute! And even written by a guy! You might agree with it, but when it actually happens 99% of girls don't realize it 'til it is too late and that guy who did it is so frustrated that he has moved on to someone who will take notice.
From a guys point of view: We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys.
But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there.
We don't care if a guy calls you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned. Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till the morning.
Also, when we tell you you're pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong. We'll stop trying to convince you. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.
Yeah, you can quote me. Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Take advantage of the mood I’m in. LET US PAY FOR YOU! DON'T 'FEEL BAD! We enjoy doing it. It's expected. Smile and say 'thank you.'
Kiss us when no one's watching. If you kiss us when you know somebody's looking, we'll be more impressed. You don't have to get dressed up for us. If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of makeup you own. We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are. Honestly, i think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's. Or my t-shirt and boxers, not all dolled up.
Don't take everything we say seriously. Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it. Don't get angry easily. Stop using magazines/media as your bible. Don't talk about how hot Morris Chesnutt, Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartney is in front of us. It's boring, and we don't care. You have girlfriends for that.
Whatever happened to the word 'handsome'/’beautiful’? I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with 'Hey handsome!' instead of 'Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy' or whatever else you can think of. On the other hand I’m not saying i wouldn't like it ether.
Someone who will honour your morals.
Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.
Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes.
Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel.
Someone who will stop what they’re doing just to look you in the eyes....and say 'i love you' ..........AND ACTUALLY MEAN IT!
*****Give the nice guys a chance*****
Holding Hands-
Girls: If you want to hold his hand, gently bump into it a couple of times.
Guys: Grab it if it happens more than once.
Girls: When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold.
Guys: Automatically move closer to her.
Girls: During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder.
Guys: Lift her chin up and kiss her.
Loving each other-
Guys: When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too... And mean it.
Lying below the stars-
Girls: When you're both laying under the stars, put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat.
Guys: Whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers.
writtern @1/29/2008 12:34:00 AM
Whatever it is... I'm totally moodless right now. *Emo-ing*
Maybe because of the pinch from the BLOODY INDIAN UGLY LADY on the train when I ignored her "EXCUSE ME". I ignored her BECAUSE I'M ALSO GETTING OFF AT EUNOS! wth

(at the dunno what name "so called-NIGHT CLUB" wahaha...
Had fun over the weekend, but I think I myself have gone abit overboard (not saying play too much lah, wahaha... 是玩的話我才不會嫌玩得過分 lei! )
有沒有人能理解我現在的感受? PMS-ing??? o_O
Never had enough sleep, been smoking alot @_@ and resulted in a few CONCERNS that land me up in this mood. I know you all are concerning for my good, I simply don't know what I'm doing anymore... =(
Went to Style Bridal yesterday to work, and was sent down to their "road show" -_-' and guess what, I wore my heels and stood for 11 hours. Congratulation, I'm handicapped now. Did not have much enjoyment yesterday although some of the Sales were being brought in by me. Saw their Family Portrait. =( Never had a chance to take a family photo with Dad. Was thinking of if we have any all members photo together... NONE AT ALL!
My moods, my feelings, my thoughts are swinging here and there so frequent that I myself is unable to stand it... Sometimes I asked myself whether am I asking for too much, and am never satisfied with the things I've got?
Missed my dinner again today. Had a meal in the afternoon, no breakfast. And that's all for the day.
No mood, nothing. I wonder if I would just not be able to wake up the next day due to tiredness. I mean, what if I leave this world during my sleep? Haha.. I don't want that to happen though. But will anybody care??? ha... Sooner or later, people will forget about me too.. haa..
I feel that people nowadays know how to procrastinate so much that they are hurting the people around them. And not only that, its also bring alot of unhappiness and anger to their friends. What I can say is, I AM NOT GOING TO CARE ABOUT WHATEVER THAT HAPPENS ANYMORE.
What for get so tensed up or emo over someone who you think, might / might not be interested in you, anymore?
Now, I'm not pointing my fingers to anyone, I'm referring to everyone of us, yes, including me.
Life still goes on. ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME WHETHER YOUR WOUNDS WILL HEAL. Look on the bright side of life. Maybe the incident came so fast, but it ended very fast too, it might be saddenng, but at least you learnt a lesson in such a short period of time?
Once again, I DO NOT WANT to see any of my friends, or myself getting into this kind of trouble anymore, as I've already mentioned what I have to. I seriously feel that its a waste of time and energy. Fate lies in your own hands. The rest depends on yourself.
To My Bao Beis
I will be starting my new job tomorrow, and will be super duper busy as I still have my night classes to attend. I might not be able to meet up with you all that often anymore. But if you all need help, I'm just a phone call away.
Sign off, Sin
writtern @1/27/2008 11:31:00 PM
一对情侣正以时速100行驶在摩托车上.. .
男:好吧...不过你先说你爱 我...
女:我爱你... 慢下来!
男:你再给我一个 大拥抱。
男:你可以将我的头盔摘下 ,然后戴在你头吗?它让我觉得很烦隔天报纸:
一辆摩托车因刹 车失灵撞进一栋大厦。两人中只有一 位侥幸存活。
其实,男孩在行驶时已 经发觉他的刹车失灵了,但是他不希 望女孩担心。
于是,他要求女孩说我爱你和给他最后的拥抱,还叫她戴着自己的头 盔,尽管他知道这样他会死。
writtern @1/24/2008 08:27:00 PM
Abit too hyper. =X Wahaha..
Finally! 21st January had arrived!
Reach Bugis with Jas at around 1 plus, and went around shopping. And I swear, just a few hours of shopping can make both Jas and Me announce bankrupcy. haha.. Not me la actually, its Ms Low.
Took train down to Clementi, and bus 154 down. Alight at National JC, but thought that we alight at the wrong stop, and march towards the next stop to cross the overhead bridge. -_-' and when we got off the over head bridge, we get to know that actually, SIM Management House is just opposite the bus stop that we got off earlier on -_-' and guess what? there's a overhead bridge at the bus stop but we never notice it -_-' WTH!!!
Followed by the blisters on my feet @_@ up the hill to the Management House. SO HOT! lolxz..
Orientation blah blah blah on the course break-down, student portal for infos~
And the Break Ice session in our very first lesson on English For Business was fun! haha.. got to know a few person, see different kind of people! I think I saw Rachel yesterday. haha... We're in the same class!
Walked back down to the bus stop, along the way, I almost can't see a single thing -_-' heard that there are stray dogs around @_@ omg~~~ BIG ONES!
Took around 40 minutes to reach home on bus 66. That is provided without traffic congestions. So worried that we are going to be late tomorrow on bus 66 from Bedok Inter! =S
Got abit fed up, or maybe emotional this morning.
1. Ms Chua running around shouting here and there
2. I can't access to QuickBook, which left me with nothing to do
3. Got to know that Eddie from HSR never submit our case to their accounts department for processing -_-'
4. No invoice is issued to mum before she make any payment
7. Called Singtel and they push me, once again, to one another -_-'
8. The one at the Legal firm is irritating.
Finally we got to a conclusion that I just need to FAX a copy of my dad's death cert to the law firm to settle everything -_-'
Had some weird dreams a few days ago. Not going to mention what is it, but I just feel total disappointment in some of the close friends I used to have after waking up from the dream.
Last but not least, I AM GOING TO EAT MY DAO HUEY THIS WEEK!!!
writtern @1/22/2008 08:55:00 PM
I was wondering why this butch kept posting this kinda relationship survery in friendster... is she trying to gain sympathy from others? or is she trying to proove that she's always the one getting hurt??? haha.. anyway.. since i have nothing much to do.. i shall try this out.. ~~
1. Are you serious when it comes to relationships?` most of the times.
2. Are you afraid of commitments?` commitments like? maybe now yes... cos still young? haa.
3. Are you a risk taker?` no...
4. What can you say about longdistance relation ships?` how long? haha... i wanted to believe that it can last, but proofs said that its wrong. =(
5. Can you love a person who doesn'tlove you?` initially, yes?
6. How can you tell that a person lovesyou?` their body languages?
7. Are you good in handling relationships?` not really... tat's y~ haa
8. Willing to give everything?` for the one
9. Best thing you have learned from loving?` patience, not to be too rush.
10. Do you demand your loved one to change into someone you like to?` change for the good and not into someone i like to.
11. Would you let go of someone you love?` i dun think so unless the other let go of me.
12. Is sex important in a relationship?` no.
13. What is the major reason of a break up?` never get to know each other more before getting together.
14. Most important ingredient/s in a relationship?` trust, care, concern.
15. Ever regret loving someone?` yes.
16. One thing you hate love?` when it turns out that the other is out for something they want, and not really love you.
17. One thing you like about love?` hmmm.. someone to be there whenever you need.
18. Worst thing you did to a loved one?` forgotten @_@
19. Are you in love?` should i say yes? or should i say no?? haa...
20. What do you feel right now?` bored!
21. Do you flirt?` depends.
22. Cheated/have been cheated on??` yes.. well.. used to it already.
23. Does the person you love knows thatyou love him/her so much?` yes & no.
24. Have you been caught red handed?` ?
25. What attracts you most?` everything~ =D
writtern @1/19/2008 03:21:00 PM

Haha.. smuggled this "no trying" dress in to the fitting room 2 days ago. nice? $20~~ wahahaha... bought a new one! *成就感* haha...
I'm still slacking!!!
我现在的感觉好差。。。心情很不好,=( 总觉得是我害你们变成这样,总觉得是因为我的好管闲事,弄到你们的关系好尴尬,好伤心。 对不起。。。我没想到会变成这样。。。
ahhh~ so fed up with myself. fuck.... why should i be such a busybody? why why why!? what the fuck. Even if you don't blame me, or whatever, I still feel that I should be the one taking all these rubbish lor.
Been so emo recently... guess big aunty's gonna come. hope everything goes on well for our friendship. =( sighhhhhh
don't know what i'm saying already...
haiiiixxxzzzzzz~ school gonna start soon~ counting down..~~ 3 more days~~~
writtern @1/18/2008 03:00:00 PM
Yeah... This belongs to him. Lolxz... Finally, and now no one to disturb me anymore~ =X

Chia & Me at Conrad's Toilet~

Miraculously Jessie's blazer fits me =X

My ou xiang. So random lahhh...

Ha... Chelz, Chia & Cyndi!
Alright... the pictures of the seminar~ more to come, but those pictures are not with me @_@ it landed up at different people's camera, don't know who's. lolxz..
writtern @1/15/2008 11:27:00 AM
Went to the salon in the morning for my hair (of course! go salon for hair or then?)
I reached at 10am and thought I got the appointment timing wrong. So I went for my breakfast, slack for awhile and went back at 11am. And in the end I waited like 1.5 hrs inside the salon? Seeing people walking in and out with their hair not done to done -_-'
Finally had my hair done~! Quite satisfied with it, but don't really like the people over there.

Tried a few clothes during shopping at Century Square. *giggles* Chinese New Year's coming, promos are everywhere~~

Relax type. Erm.. Maybe people who see you in these during new year might be screaming and yelling at you "CYNDI! WHAT THE HELL! WHY ARE YOU STILL IN YOUR PJ? ITS NEW YEAR!"
I like this one! But the cutting is too high and its too daring to wear this on new year! @_@
And then I went to expo for the Malay Wedding exhibition~
Never get a chance to take photos =(
And then to T3~! Omg~ They must have spent alot alot of money on the buildings -_-'''

The Giant Fan!!!! That is also the reason why T3 is so cold. =X Is this the propellor or whatever name they call that is in the aeroplane?!

The departure hall~~ The good byes~ hee..

Yeah.. You wish your friends / love ones good luck before they go in, and they really have the luck. Its a whole stretch of shops lah!!!!

The Greenies~
writtern @1/14/2008 02:08:00 AM
Read this while doing my hair in the morning.
10 Reasons We Crawl Out Of Bed To Go To School
- Why do kids all around Singapore bother getting out of bed int he wee hours of the day instead of snoozing for a couple more hours? How is it that kids can actually manage to survive the turmoil of school life for hours every single day?
1. School is always a good reason to hog the toilet. With the "I'm late of school" excuse, nobody at home can jump the toilet queue at home... unless it's your younger sis who's really late for school.
2. Schools are great for our love lives - mornings are great to check out guys or girls our age on the bus, maybe even get a few phone numbers.
3. Schools encourage patriotism. Flag raising is a great time to rehearse the lyrics to the National Anthem - without it, you'd only sing the Anthem during National Day. It also gives you a chance to snicker at your classmat's innate ability to sing off-key.
4. Schools feed their students well. As boring (not to mention sleepy) as the first period is, you can always sniff out what the canteen 'aunties' are making from your classroom during this time. It sure is a great way to whet up your appetite.
5. School gives us the freedom parents would never give - during recess. It can be anything from getting hot and sweaty from soccer, or enjoying the feeling of dumping the homemade food you're forced to eat at home, and splurging on fried food. Otherwise, other students just use this time to catch some shut eye. Weirdly enough, when recess is over, you might as well have a ball and chain attached to your leg.
6. School is the only time when you can get punished for talking and borrowing stationery. And the punishment is the teacher not allowing you to use the restroom! That... or standing up in class.
7. School's the only chance for you to actually have a social life. Discussing weekend plans is always best fit in between worksheets and lectures. Where else would you find people to discuss how hot you think Paris Hilton is?
8. Schools teach you how to train your memory and courtesy. With the number of teachers they have, you practically have to bring around a list of names just so you can remember what names to greet them with. And if you don't, you'd be considered rude.
9. Schools help you learn the importance of cleanliness. No, we're not talking about the duty roster (let's face it, who really follows those anyway?). We're talking about school toilets! Most of the time, they are so filthy that you spend more time cleaning it up than actually using them. You would think years in school would have taught some people the function of a flush huh?
10. Schools teach kids how to appreciate life. When the final bell rings for the day, you're sure to appreciate the little time you have at home, because it's going to happen all over again tomorrow!
writtern @1/14/2008 01:45:00 AM
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writtern @1/12/2008 11:11:00 PM
Everything is going against me or my decision again.
Some of the good news are
1. I'm finally off from Kah Motor
2. I can start work immediately at other places (provided if I can find a job o_O)
3. School is going to reopen soon
4. Nothing else.
I'm not feeling really well because of lack of sleep these few days, and those mosquitoes bites are killing me. I wonder if those are really mosquitoes' or are those bites on my body from others? o.O
Do I have a face that says "welcome for play"? or says "anyone can play with"? Well.. I'm borned with it doesn't mean that I am this kind of person ok? FUCK OFF.
writtern @1/12/2008 10:46:00 PM
Remembered what my friends told me about online blogging, asking why should we blog?
For my own reason, because I want to update my friends around me about what I am doing recently. But another questions, since its friends, why can't they just call and ask you about what you're doing and why must you let other people, other than your friends to know what you are doing? =S
Abit weird uh? for my reason, maybe, I just like the feeling of typing, and saying what I usually don't say on the internet instead of telling people to their face and through the phone. That's my character. I'm not like those people who are able to face life so bravely. I'm someone who was once inferior, who was once not-so-confident. Even now, I still have abit of those few that I mentioned. I'm practising hard to overcome all these, even if it takes time. But, its my own life, isn't it? haha...
Been going for a few interviews these few days.
- The first was the one at the shipping company. Failed it because they required someone to do alot of OTs, whereas for me, I'm unable to give them that because of schoolings.
- Second one was at the recruitment agency, telling me what I should say during the interviews and the overall of the company that I will be seeing and expecting on the next day.
- Third one was successful at the printing company. Its a company doing printing services for labels for electrical appliances. Sound kind of adventurous to me as I need to do alot of coordination between the Customer Service (that position that I'm applying) side, the Sales side and the Production side. The pay is not really that high, the amount of leave is not really that much and the benefits definitely lose to the fourth interviews.
- Fourth interview. I swear this is the most difficult interviews that I've went throughout my whole life. hahaa... maybe because its a MNC, and its quite famous in Japan for its track record and stuffs. And its a japanese doing the interview with me -_-' and that makes my life worse because I don't really understand what he was asking, and I was kind of lack-of-sleep on that day to really concentrate on what he really wants me to answer. So I replied some answers that wasn't really the main concern to the questions they post -_-' They asked me back for a second interview, which time will be confirmed later part of this week.
Now, problem is - I like the fourth interview. But the third is accepting me to their company. I'm going down to the third interviewed company to sign their Agreement. And other than today, I've no more time to go down to the fourth interviewed job for second interview.
WHAT SHOULD I DO? Give up the third interviewed job? and go on looking for another new job outside even if the fourth interview's second interview never pass?
I have been feeling like a nuisance to everyone around me recently. Been skipping jobs because of late night sleep? haha.. no lahh!!!! just kind of got abit lazy recently, maybe because abit demoralised to go to KM these few days -_-'''' Been off for around 4 days already i guess? haha...
went down to HDB just now. finally got the completion of our house! haha... this apartment is ours already. and THIS IS MY HOUSE! wahahahaha.... time pass so fast =( it has been already 3 months since dad left us. =( I am still dreaming that one day, dad will just open our house door, and step in to say "Hello! Have you eaten?" to us. ='( I know that this would never, never happen. =(
I'm going down to the salons later. Hee... gonna do something to my messy hair. going bald i guess. -_-'' ugly!!!!! I think i've grown abit fat. =X haa.. gained abit of weird these past few days due to excess food, chocolates, ice-cream and tidbits! @_@ save me~!!!!
writtern @1/10/2008 06:07:00 PM
Can you all see my nick? wahahaha... -Hehee-
Sound so evil. wahahaha....
yup yup.. I'm all along evil what~
I've always say that my FEELINGS are accurate. And.. haha.. received a good news today!!! alright, I shall not make it sound so big, and shall not announce it to the world that WEI MING AND SERENE ARE TOGETHER NOW!
a*hem.. lalalala..
Feel so bad seh.. ate so much chocolates today!!!! getting abit sore throat.. no wonder kept a*hem-ing. haa.. but its real lah, i'm having sore throat -_-'
got caught up with alot of things just now.
- Schedule
- Off days?
- Can't change too many off days or take too many leaves -_-' bloody bastard. lazy to repeat them again.
- I can't change off days with Mona because she might need to go for operations. -_-' what the fuckkkkk. So all of them are unable to work, how am I able to work!?
- What kind of job I want to look for outside?
- What kind of future I have?
- Why must I study degree?
- Why I study now?
so many questions -_-'''' headache. I really need alot of time, alot alot to think about what I really want in future.
What alex told me was right last time =( I never plan my future, always so no confident, always lazy to think about what I want.
hmm, which is true...
As for to study degree or not, I think, at the moment no, unless I really have idea where I will be at, or rather where I want to be at in the future. Because degree might not really get you a high pay job, mind you. Because there are still phd holders, masters, honest above degrees. Are we really going to go for all these to get high pay job? What happen if you don't get the job? How old will you be when you finish all the educations? and how much money have you invested inside studies? =( sighhh! FUTURE AHHH!!!!
Some of the degree holders who get high pay jobs are because they're really hardworking, or they're kind of being head hunted and have the skills and experience and whatever that makes them in that kind of position. But do i have those capabilities to be up there one of these days?
Ivan told me that there are 3 industries to work in if i want to do sales, and i want to earn high income without needing to study so much or without needing to be the best in schools or whatever.
- Insurance
- Properties
- Car Line
The first 2 does ring a bell in my head whereby I've really seen people from MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) and they're really living very good! And of course the properties line. Some of my friends are earning quite well inside too.
I've also seen people who failed in these industries. Bankrupt? Ya... Those people who made it to the top of these industries are the minority, and most of them belongs to the pioneers of the company, unless we really work very very very very very hard.
Others also said that each industries have their own risk too.
Like those Managerial position personnels, they might also be the first few to get retrench when it comes to economical crisis because they're getting higher pay, and doing lesser things than others!
So... which should I choose?
Of course at the moment while I study, maybe I will just find a normal 8-5 job to maintain my monthly income as I need to support the family and pay for my bills and stuffs.
What about after that?
Talking about taking this diploma, Nevin told me that with an O level certificate, my job-scope will be very limited, and the pay will also be very limited. Unless I get a diploma cert in any field, then I will be able to get a better job, and wider field of jobs.
Claire asked me to find jobs something like Sales Coordinator, which is able to learn some experience and at the same time, able to study for my exams and do my projects while in school. Haha... Good one..
About what I want to be in future. Since young I've always been dreaming about being a doctor or lawyer. But it really seems damn far away from me lahh!!! How am I going to study until so much???! omg~~~
So, I told Nevin that maybe I can try out in Hotel Management line, or Hospitality or something into Service. Which he said is able to earn back around $2k plus.
$2k plus to me now is kinda big, but in future, IT IS DEFINITELY NOT ABLE TO HELP ME SUSTAIN THE WHOLE FAMILY -_-'
so... i told him straight that BROTHER! WHAT I'M LOOKING AT IS $5K and above. wahahaha... which is to go into Sales.
And going into sales, I need to have savings for the first few months to sustain, or it will be damn and super difficult to survive!
Alright. Help me jia you ok?? hehe...
writtern @1/03/2008 09:59:00 PM
writtern @1/01/2008 10:35:00 AM
I thought that I would lose my temper yesterday, but actually I did, for once? haha... Because someone took 2.5 hours (minus the eating time, or rather 2 hours, giving them more eating time) to reach from Tampines to Eunos -_-' imagine how inaccessible Singapore is. =)
Yesterday was fun. But wasn't really planned nicely because most of the time we were going "where are we going?", "where next?". Lolxz, familiar uh? These sentences usually come out during our outings @_@ I think we should do something about it in the future @_@
Went to Clarke Quay, walked one round and everywhere was filled -_-' and we walked down to Boat Quay. -_-' Here, I would like to complement a wonderful person, MS SERENE SOO!! She got the whole of feet with BLISTERS! omg o_O I can't imagine myself with blisters and is able to tolerate and walk so far. tsk tsk.. feel so bad for losing my temper so easily (because seeing serene like that, and she's not angry at all!) hahaha...
Anyway, I understand, its kinda SIAN when the outing you expect to be fun, is fun, but comes with pain on your feet because you need to walk alot. =( That's the price. @_@
We ordered 3 jug of tiger beer yesterday at Destiny. Kind of normal charges around there but no tidbits nowadays uh? so long never go drink le...
But, I swear, I'M NOT GOING TO DRINK TOGETHER WITH THEM ANYMORE! lolxz... especially tong yi. Scary~ and I also scary together with her. -_-' and there goes 2 siao char bor roaming down boat quay -_-'
Anyway, its fun to make fun of the "couple" or the couple to be or the alreadied couple. but who cares~ hahaha... call me 狗仔王 in the future ok? call me that for providing the latest, and the closest pictures you guys have ever seen! lolxz.. i damn 夸张lei -_-'''
Last of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE and hope that this new year bring new things, and good things! 加油加油加油!
writtern @1/01/2008 10:18:00 AM