Alright, its Easter!

The TCC~

T3T = Terminal 3 Toilet. haa..

On the way cabbing down to T3

Trying to act cute @_@

Train-ing down to China town~~~

Acting cute the whole day leh -_-'

The stall where I bought my sun glass @ $10! haa...

Nice? :P
writtern @3/22/2008 02:53:00 AM
ha.. its easter today... meaning, public holiday! and woke up at 11 plus today, hohoho.. because, I DON'T NEEDA WORK! phew.. finally can rest...
went out around 2 plus to T3 for TCC -_-' spent like $68 for the 3 of us? (me, yi and ah ger) tsk.. exopensosivessss! but,
XIE XIE ROBIN! lolxz...
feel so bad to spend someone's money like that, and thus, i followed them to the place that i don't really like... C.....H....C~ lolxz.. in the end, as usual, so many people. but i like their drama! haha.. after which, what the pastor said really hit against me. maybe all psychological effects? haha..
and the thing that i'm afraid came, WANNA JOIN? JOIN LAHH!~ -_-' blablabla...
feel so awkward la..
went to K-ster after that, $80 flew~~ so expensive!!!!!
and its the gst and stuffs that kill us... $10 over of taxes! wth...
not gonna spend so much money on other thing again the next few days until my pay come! awww... pay come still needa think of paying bills.. die~~~
writtern @3/22/2008 02:46:00 AM
just had a sachet (dunno is it spelt like this) of Fibogel down, and I'm feeling soft all over -_-'''
been having constipation for a few days, and was forced to drink that box of thingy down by my dearest mum~ haha... got home early today. class ended at 9.15, left school and reached home at around 9.45, all thanks to jasmine's bf... haa..
*something happened during my class- ah ger*
reached home - dota. and then.. another thing happened. -PRIAK! there goes my $200 bed when my bro was trying to get up -_-' IMAGINE HOW FAT HE CAN BE!? BROKE THE BED! WTH!!! ....
vented my anger on another imaginary person (*meaning, shouting like nobody's business, at no one, but was cursing someone.) haha... y? because this CLEVER person came to my house and TOOK MY FAVOURITE SHOE! AND THE SHOE'S HEELS NEED TO BE MENDED! wthhhh..
received some weird message from HIM, and we kinda quarrelled. sigh... don't think all this kinda thing will last long.. -_-' no mood to care about that...
writtern @3/20/2008 12:08:00 AM
hahaha.. really has got not much people to talk to online, and i shall talk to my monitor!!!
received alot of bad news today =( don't know if they are considered as bad news, or good things for me =(
1. Driving test date & School exam date clashes
2. Driving test TIME & School's exam TIME CLASHES!
3. School's exam time is not confirmed yet -_-'
4. I have to renew my PDL so as to have my postponed driving test - +$25 -_-' which I don't think I will need, as I am only required to renew if I failed my driving on the 28th of May!! idiot.
5. Boss gonna transfer me to Patent department! under Alden! shit... the devil -_-' wth..
6. FYI, he passes things to you at 5pm and expect you to finish it before you go home, and what he did from 8.30 to 5pm? slacking around in office, shopping around in singapore etc. WTH!!!
7. I have school, my testimonials in this company sure go down hill if i work for him!!!! =( because i am unable to work OT!!!!
8. Irritating.. I don't wanna leave renewal department!!!!! =(
writtern @3/17/2008 11:37:00 PM
Somehow somewhat i feel that, someone's out there are trying to ruin my life, my way of living...
maybe i'm sensitive, maybe i'm just lazy.. just feeling myself wasting my time off everyday... time pass so fast!!!!! awww.... 3 months have passed!!!
anyway, what i want to say is that, we accept what friends are, and not EXPECT what they are for. i usually tell myself that, but most of us would just automatically EXPECT from those around you...
nahhh.. don't know what am i talking about, but just being disappointed with a lot of things around me recently, don't really know what to do and hope that time could have just stopped for awhile for me to wake up from my dream... but... wateva~~~
sometimes i just feel that i'm stupid enough to go care about what young kids are doing, what for for me being so childish and boring?? @_@ from now on, maybe i would just mind my own business, anyway, i'm use to being the bad lady for centuries~ hohohoho...
writtern @3/04/2008 12:23:00 AM
Jasmine and I were chit chatting on our way back from school, then we talked about locking of our doors at night after we come home..
I realised that till now, I still don't have the habit of locking my door(big door) when I go home at night. As I'm always not the last to reach home, dad usually come after me... but now... dad's no longer around... =(
find it so sad whenever my mum says "lock the door, no one's coming home" =(
still can't kick off the habit even though it has been 4 months already.. =(
writtern @3/04/2008 12:09:00 AM