hehee... went to happy's house to learn photography technique.. let me show off some of my art work!!!!

The Watch!

The Perfume!~

The Fan!


This is what he took.. abit over exposed, but i still like! cos it made me look white =X
writtern @5/28/2008 02:07:00 AM

Cool!???? found it on a friend's friendster.. forgotten who. but anyway, the effects are nice! haha... especially the last one.. look so real =X
writtern @5/27/2008 07:04:00 PM
Feel so xin fu!!! haha.. went to Carnivore with happy. haha... nice???
At the train station, nothing to do =X

Vivo city~~

writtern @5/25/2008 05:30:00 PM
writtern @5/25/2008 04:43:00 PM
Haha.. read the topic, and let the pictures do the talking!
writtern @5/24/2008 05:10:00 PM

If you answered mostly B's, your future is as a teacher. You are a down-to-earth person who wants to help others learn as you enjoy learning yourself. You take time with others and want to make an impact on their lives.
writtern @5/21/2008 04:39:00 PM

Met up with uncle nicholas that day at bq~ lolxz...
nothing much to do recently.. boring life -_-''''
listening to "期待你的爱” this song...
我在期待星期五的到来!lps den to bq den to st james! hiak hiak hiak~~!!
writtern @5/21/2008 03:10:00 PM
so sick and tired of people trying to be nice to me...
now that i found a new love, but the old one, whom i love alot, came back to me... what am i supposed to do? haish...~~~
writtern @5/19/2008 02:33:00 PM
Woke up at 3 plus today, went for driving.. SO BORING! can u imagine that my engine died for 3 times at the zebra crossing!? WTF! -_-'''''
got home, chat on phone with serene for 1 hour plus, and end up with no place to go!!!!! BORED!!! STAY HOME, BORED, ROT, DIE! -_-'''
writtern @5/18/2008 08:48:00 PM
hiak hiak hiak...
I'm going to powerhouse later @_@ ~,~ yippie~~ lolxz...
i'm mad...
alright, just changed a new bf recently. at least he's better. =) ha... jia you wor..~ hopefully this will last @_@ lalala...
writtern @5/17/2008 07:03:00 PM
haha.. yu hui dropped me a message saying sorry cos he kept commenting about L. and he still insist that he is not a good person. hmmm... i'm just such a stubborn person who wouldn't really listen to what people around me say what is right what is wrong until i experience it personally...
but anyway, thanks for the concern.. haha..
I'm super duper STUBBORN!!! hahaha...
writtern @5/14/2008 04:27:00 PM
ahhh! ytd's not fun at all! and its damn fucking expensive! i've to pay $30 and sis have to pay $50! eeyer... 80 altogether~ officially broke. gonna change job some more -_-', no job no job!!!! die!
things to do.. i have to cool my mind down.. -_-'
1) sort things out with him -_-' fuck la..
2) quit my job
3) take photo
4) go for interviews
5) think about whether should i register for school -_-'
so fan!!! super no life, no life plus NO LIFE.. fuck...
Here are the pics~

Radom-ing again -_-'

He's drunk -_-'

writtern @5/11/2008 03:08:00 PM