I like this pic!!!

Agne Rose

haa! ~,~
writtern @6/28/2008 03:45:00 PM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going Genting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully leave get approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ti Gong Bo Bi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah Mi Tuo Fuo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so guai, should be able to approve bah.. O.o
Hope so..
I look forward to the weekends also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow's friday already!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @_@ beeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
heehe... i wan bee bee to help me massage! and lose to me in reversi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love you bee~ =D
writtern @6/26/2008 11:11:00 PM
heehee.. saw Crystal's friendster's pic and got the link to edit some of the pics! @_@

i like these 2 alot.. wahaha..
can't wait for tomorrow to come!!!
i am going bee bee's house for dinner!! wahahaha... =X
writtern @6/26/2008 10:46:00 PM

i love this 2 pics!!!!
I'm so much so in love with Nelson Ahbudi Lim Bee Bee!! =X
Thanks for caring so much for me! wahaha...
We take care of each other ok!? till u old man i old lady..
hiak hiak hiak...
I miss u many many...
writtern @6/25/2008 01:09:00 PM

The first experiment!, in the end.. the cookies nv get must burnt!

hiak hiak.. second...!

hiak hiak..all the faces stick together!!! like our babies =X opps.. i mean the hearts' babies

bee bee dear dear... i love you~
writtern @6/24/2008 12:50:00 AM

another lame, boring, waste-of-money show..
i seriously don't like people to waste so much money on film-making when in the beginning they already think that its gonna be a lousy show -_-'''
writtern @6/24/2008 12:32:00 AM

His cap~

Him wearing my shades! ~,~
writtern @6/20/2008 11:04:00 PM

went to watch this THE HAPPENING.
guess this movie's done anyhow -_-'
no much details, only how people killed themselves -_-'
yawn... but overall, its quite scary la.. =X
-_-' wat a review... hahaa... -_-'
overall, DON'T WATCH THIS. haa...
i enjoyed it cos i watched w him. hahaha.. =X
writtern @6/20/2008 01:32:00 PM
Received an offline message when i on my msn...
lost it -_-' arghh..
ya.. i will treasure the one who love me and i love in future... =) thanks for the concern..
writtern @6/20/2008 01:27:00 PM
Been so long since I last posted!!! lolxz..... recent updates!

the hoe garden at summer breeze~

the black & white @_@

the milo godzilla!

the uno stacko~

writtern @6/17/2008 09:14:00 PM
Waraku... ku~~~ wa wa rara ku~~ =X
Went to Marina Square just now to hunt for good clothes, good food, good show! ha..
Never get good clothes there, as usual, cos they're too expensive -_-'
Good food! haha.. 俗语说得好,能吃是福! Thus, we went to WARAKU! =X heard of the name for quite long, but never get to try it, and today.. 终于尝到他的厉害!
Katsu Don

The tomato Kaminabe~ =X

Wow Wow Wow!

Tsk Tsk.. the Potato Mentai.. cheezzyy!! SINFUL!

Hiak Hiak.. after all that match up with this Jap Yougurt don't know what drink =X

See how I indulge myself~ haa

Enough of the Zi Lian-ing -_-'
writtern @6/10/2008 12:23:00 AM

hiak hiak hiak~!!!!
kung fu panda! they got mandarin version one sia.. I WANNA WATCH!
haha.. damn funny -_-'
*what a review -_-'
writtern @6/08/2008 03:32:00 PM
82 wordsSpeed test
was blog hopping just now, and found this link to typing test.. and took a test.. still not bad la hoh @_@
writtern @6/05/2008 03:49:00 PM
what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!! !#$%& i seriously hate myself.. getting myself into EMO state once again.
i just saw the graduation pics of my ex classmate in NP. they've graduated! if i were to pursue on that time, i could have graduated as well...
*don't cry over spilled milk*
i noe.. -_-' and then follow on, SIM, i could have continued on....
now.. TP offering at $800+ per year for this 3 years course...
should i take up this offeR? =( by the time i graduate will be around 24 yrs old.
do i really have to wait for another 4 more years till everybody graduated from their university then i get to have my pay increase? maybe from 1.5k to 1.8k? shit.. where degree holders may get around $2k and above upon graduation! JEALOUSY...
i simply hate myself.. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE CHOICES..
can someone make the decision for me? i'm suffering!!!!
maybe i'm just lazy to make the decision... lazy to make mistakes again. WTHHHHHh....
writtern @6/05/2008 11:55:00 AM
Ron suddenly jio-ed us down to Graxs at Aliwar Street on last friday... the pic!
*sorli to ah bec for asking her out last min. hai her wear until song song come out. hiak hiak hiak =X

Legendary Zhou Jie Lun -_-'

Lai... more 5 10!

One of Graxs's boss?

He just took this pic unwillingly.. -_-' RON!!!
writtern @6/05/2008 12:30:00 AM
Opps! just realised that i forgot to post pics on my sentosa trip with PMC!

Harbor Front Center

Cable Car!

The 4 Beauties (Lunch Kakis)

The tix!

Sentosa view.. hiak hiak..

Singapore Cable Car (Pretending to be foreigner uh?)

Carol & Izan's daughter...

Indonesian Fren!

5353, 5354, 5355 (4D for saturday!)

The sky ride!

We simply love to take pics!

ahh! our feet off the ground!
writtern @6/04/2008 11:29:00 PM