Found this on the Bulletin board in my Friendster... lolxz..
To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait"
To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."
To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her.
To every guy that gives her flowers and a card when she is sick or down.
To every guy who has given her flowers just because thats how he rolls.
To every guy that said he would die for her.
To every guy that really would.
To every guy that did what she wanted to do.
To every guy that cried in front of her. ....
To every guy that she cried in front of...
To every guy that holds hands with her.
To every guy that kisses her with meaning.
To every guy that hugs her when she's sad.
To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all.
To every guy who would give their jacket up for her.
To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.
To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes.....
To every guy that would give his seat up...
To every guy that just wants to cuddle.
To every guy that reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what.
To every guy who told his secrets to her.
To every guy that tried to show how much he cared through every word and every breath.
To every guy that thought maybe this could be the one.
To every guy that believed in her dreams.
To every guy that would have done anything so she could achieve them.
To every guy that never laughed at her when she told him her dreams.
To every guy that walked her to her car and opened the door.
To every guy that gave his heart.
To every guy who prays that she is happy even if you are not with her.
Not many girls appreciate nice guys anymore...
And because of this, there are not many left out there...
I'm happy.. cos I found one... that fulfil ALL!!!
Thank god.. =D
writtern @7/31/2008 06:52:00 PM
after talking to ray and bos..
I found out that I'm freaking emotional during my PMS period..
How could a person cry 3 times and get angry 2 times in a day? or maybe half a day? (cos i woke up in the afternoon)
I'm scary... =X
I'm just emotional bah i guess.. Hope this won't affect any things =X
writtern @7/30/2008 11:14:00 PM
sorry bee..
make you upset over me..
sorry make you disappointed in me..
i just wanna spend more time with you..
and yet you said that spending time = spending money..
i really never thought of that point at all..
does that mean that i never think for you? no..
my thinking of spending more time with you doesn't require you to spend money..
i don't need all the expensive stuffs to be happy..
only need you to be by my side..
can you understand it?
going out early really doesn't mean have to spend alot of money..
i really don't need you to spend that much money...
can't we just go out and enjoy ourselves without spending?
writtern @7/30/2008 10:53:00 PM
one year ago...
someone told me that i was given chance to have more confident about myself..
told me that i shouldn't be so weak.. and shouldn't cry that much easier..
as crying is unable to solve everything..
one year later...
i heard the same thing again..
i haven't change..
but people around me start to change their point of views about me..
start to give up on me..
walk away from me..
i'm trying hard to be strong..
but i can't...
somebody help me...
writtern @7/30/2008 10:31:00 PM
i don't know what is wrong with me...
maybe i need some rest..
getting fucking emo recently..
is history gonna repeat again..
writtern @7/30/2008 10:30:00 PM
u all have caused my dad to die..
at my dad's funeral, you all said that you all will look after my mum and family...
and now you all are running away from my mum...
writtern @7/28/2008 11:08:00 PM
you ask me if i mind the existence of her... i told you no.. but i'm lying..
i kind of felt threaten... but i just don't know how to express..
u noe.. i'm someone with not much confident in myself.. and i'm just afraid that i might just lose to her as you loved her deeply, in the past...
you told me that you wouldn't care about her since the first message that i saw that she sent you..
you told me that you wouldn't care if she wanna torture herself by drinking and smoking regularly...
but you be friend her back..
tell me.. 教我怎么安心....
writtern @7/27/2008 10:36:00 PM
Hiak hiak.. we went to waraku! with ah mei o so! cos she's alone at home, and i brought her out!! ~,~ such a good sister.. go where find!? =X
writtern @7/27/2008 10:15:00 PM

hiak hiak.. i simply love this movie!!!! @_@
not so much about just fighting and killing, but about some humors and stuffs.. this is a MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 stars! lolxz..
can't wait for the 2nd part to come out!!!!!!
writtern @7/27/2008 02:09:00 AM
A dream of contrary; the meaning is the opposite of what you might think. You can expect to reach a better understanding with the object of your affection.
Pregnancy This dream forecasts a happy increase in material wealth.
No luxury, but a comfortable old age through your own efforts is forecast in a dream in which you participated in or observed a chase.
You are either contemplating or indulging in a dangerous vice or passion if you conjured up imaginary monsters in your dream. In either case you'll be doing yourself a real favor if you find a new interest.
Been dreaming about all these weird weird things recently.. hiak hiak..
writtern @7/27/2008 02:05:00 AM
Hee... went to T3 yesterday for Gai Gai~~
initially went to 85 market to eat ba chor mee and stupid ahbudi! peck chek this and that... @_@

this boy boy over here, is super 自恋 and he never take pictures of his own wor.. HE ASK PEOPLE TO TAKE FOR HIM!! -_-''
but over all, my boy boy very shuai.. right? haha...

I'm cute ok!?

Sob Sob.. Bin Bin bully me.. =(

I give you fwishball ah charrrr! then you know...
boy boy say don't too handsome, or else i go out will gia gia.. will I? hahaha...
maybe he gia gia i too pretty also la. =X hiak hiak..
writtern @7/26/2008 02:46:00 PM

hiak hiak.. been mad about Thomas Ong recently.. hiak hiak..
got my office table his pictures!!
Why I like Thomas.. cos my boy boy look like him.. @_@ =X shy...
i tink i'm mad too..
writtern @7/26/2008 02:31:00 PM
Long before Xiao Yi got together with that person and before another person stay at their house, I NEVER LIKE THAT 2 PERSON! -_-'
1 act liao i'm transparent, so do i... <- my 3rd aunt who stay with my 5th aunt
another pack and clear whateva things i eat and quickly or maybe i say IMMEDIATELY after i put it on a table or some rubbish fell onto the floor.. AS IF I MADE YOUR HOUSE DIRTY YOU FUCKER!
another thing that made me angry..
we supposed to go out...
bee, u said u headache, and in the end you went out...
u may think i'm unreasonable, cos your friend is leaving tomorrow for 1 month..
but since you're not feeling well.. why still go drinking? i don't want you to tired yourself lor..
i seems to have seen something like that happened to my mum in the past when my dad is still around..
maybe i'm demanding... unreasonable or wateva you call it..
i just dun like this feeling..
hope i don't make you stress by saying these..
but i just feel that i have to have a place to vent my anger at....
i noe if its me, i will also go accompany my fren.. but i wun go drinking if i noe i'm not feeling well...
is there really no other way except to drink???
writtern @7/24/2008 10:02:00 PM
I wonder if i should call this as Stupidity, or brave...
hmm.. She got the business mind, but too gullible...
Maybe treat it as a learning experience?
But $2k to buy an experience, is it consider a cheap lesson?
Maybe compared to millions of dollar loss, its consider as a small pinch..
But we have no much money, and this might cause financial difficulties in the coming months..
Wish her good luck.. Support! as family, as a friend.. =)
writtern @7/24/2008 12:36:00 AM
Suicide This dream is a signal that you need a change of scene or more mental relaxation. Try sharing your troubles with a trusted friend or adviser.
been dreaming of some weird weird stuffs these few days @_@ maybe because I'm not feeling well, that's why have nightmare. hiak hiak..
just took my cough medicine, flu medicine, phlegm, and throat infection medicine.
i'm becoming a medicine storage bin instead of RUBBISH BIN already!
oh my goodness..
got abit drowsy..
need to plan my week properly!
have to go work everyday!
driving to be on Sunday!
oh mama will be on Wed and Thurs!
meeting my boy will be on Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat!
saddening... boredom!
Xiao Ling gave me the address to email for new job, gonna do it tomorrow i guess..
abit drowsy.. dozing off soon ~ zzzZZZ
see you in ahbudi oreo pineapple land~
writtern @7/23/2008 12:02:00 AM
always got nothing much to type recently.. hiak hiak..
been lazing around cos of the stupid cold @_@
my nose has been peeling off due to too much rubbing!
tomorrow gonna go work again!
getting exciting! cos more and more things are coming in.
but scare i over stressed myself..
i tink i'm mad, cos i can only perform well under stress..
writtern @7/22/2008 11:56:00 PM
sorry ahbudi!
sorry u sick still trouble you!
sorry hai u no time pei ah ma!
sorry for being so demanding!
sorry hai you so sick still pei me go shopping!
sorry hai you stomach ache can't use toilet!
but this coming week we not gonna meet so much, i abit heart pain neh!
slap slap..
aiya. you wun understand one la..
haish.. hope you recover faster, and rest more!!! make me guilty onli la u!
writtern @7/20/2008 09:25:00 PM
thank you ahbudi for the cereal with vanilla powder.. hiak hiak..
although fattening, it cure my hunger! @_@
love you muack muack.. hiak hiak..
writtern @7/20/2008 01:13:00 AM
ahbu ahbu is sick!~
nose blew up and swell like water apple
and it means like jumbu!
i'm ahbu ahbu!
@_@ SICK!!!!
@ @
| |
writtern @7/19/2008 11:31:00 PM
LIM AHBU! how i wish you could be here... @_@
lolxz.. I MISS U BIG BIG...!
lim ah bu sound so much like lin na bu -_-' tsk tsk..
girl arh! y scold vulgarities!!
ti gong bo bi my boy boy's gum / tooth / mouth quickly recover..
tomorrow 1 month anniversary le wor...
Suddenly fan dunno howda celebrate and don't know what to buy for my boy boy =( @_@
writtern @7/17/2008 10:02:00 PM
While waiting for my video to load.. i shall intro about my trip to Malaysia!
Upon arrival in the morning, its freaking collddd!!!
thanks to the Vanilla Steam Milk from Starbucks! @_@
hiak hiak..
We changed around RM1000 to there... and.. WE FINISHED USING THEM!
enjoying life uh..
HK cafe.. Causeway Bay~ Hurray!
Lets see.. next month? hiak hiak.. =X for the food onli.. wahahaha..
writtern @7/16/2008 10:21:00 PM
writtern @7/16/2008 06:04:00 PM
went to bugis to meet Yuhui, Tong and Ser yesterday..
ate V8... went sing song..
ahh! yuhui went in army today!
c him in 2 mths! @_@ ~>_<~
writtern @7/09/2008 09:40:00 PM
Mom was talking about getting engage before getting married is an Issuarance to your future marriage. and...
Carol went for her ROM yesterday..
I was thinking about engagment yesterday..
AHBUDI! you also talk about engagement! YESTERDAY! @_@
hahaha.. out of nothing, you talked about engagement, scareded me. cos there's really this thing called 心有灵犀... hahaha..
bee.. u so li hai.. wahaha...
writtern @7/09/2008 09:31:00 PM
Mum went to Malaysia and I created havoc in Singapore! hahaha...

Bee.. u look so tired!

Agne Rose.. i look so chui.. -_-' at Agne Rose


Going out!

Ben & Jerry before Wanted!

My Kungfu Panda Onion Ring!
writtern @7/06/2008 03:20:00 PM
hiak hiak.. remembered the first time we met... opposite st john head quarters some where near golden mile...
then we went to east coast for a drink, and then you ordered evian mineral water at mcdonalds... quite expensive uh @_@ ~,~
and then the straw... haha..
stunt me with it too.. never in my life had anyone put a straw into my drink! haha..
and there comes you..
ahbudi lim bee bee @_@
my love.. =)
so fortunate to have you with me.. i will treasure and will appreciate whatever things that you've done to me! and more to come. hope that we can hold hand in hand welcoming our future... and overcome the incoming obstacles... =)
writtern @7/06/2008 03:14:00 PM

all the cheeky faces @_@ hiak hiak..
i noe my posts are abit jumbled up, (is that how its supposed to spell? i name it as jumping post). anyway...
been to tampines on tuesday for GENTING TRIP TICKET! hurray!
finally got it! supposed to go on sunday morning... and then ahbudi boy boy changed it to saturday night.
hope ti gong bo bi we have a safe trip? hiak hiak..
counting down to 8 more days! @_@
writtern @7/04/2008 12:02:00 AM
pig pig pig zzzzzzzzzzzzz v(^@^)v <- u look like this.!
i feel so bad for making you so tired!!
bad me...
bee.. i don't care, i must say alot of THANK YOU to you!
thank you for surprising me once again..
thank you for the gummy bear..
thank you for the haagen dasz...
thank you for loving me!
hiak hiak..
love you many many. love you big big...
writtern @7/03/2008 11:58:00 PM
yawn.. the scene kept appearing in my mind on and on and on @_@
traumatizing @_@
I FAILED MY TP!!! 36 points -_-' tak boleh tahan..
i'm lousy.. feel so lousy.. @_@
writtern @7/03/2008 11:55:00 PM
ahbudi di... i can't sleep... so bored..
just pop one running nose pill down, cos i'm down with flu! must be u spreaded to me one right!?
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a fool...
bee... you're the best to me.. don't leave me k..
i'm just so afraid that you might dun want me cos i keep disappointing you..
like, keep forgetting important things, forgetting those efforts that you put in... =(
i'm just so afraid that one day you will tell me "dear, you're not my type.."
awww...!!! @_@
demoralised enough..
m i very stressful? lolxz.. maybe cause i see this relationship very serious. i mean i treat this r/s very serious bah... =(
writtern @7/01/2008 12:28:00 AM