i really feel that, sometimes people talk, really need to go through their brain.
"Wa! u nv go out w ur bf den come and find me eat la.. "
"Wa! ur mum nv cook den ask me go out eat la. "i can always eat myself, i treasure the frenship tat's y i ask, if tat's wat u tink, u can just simply reject me. make such a remark for waT?
writtern @9/28/2008 10:48:00 PM

Wahahaha!! super fatty!!!
Its Saturday again! and its end of Saturday again!!!!
Wahaha.. mahjong again.. @_@ as usual.. wahaha..
won money ~,~
Missing my boy so fast.. =(
writtern @9/27/2008 11:48:00 PM
Today is one of the days I felt the most stupid / stupidest ever.
If I would have known what's gonna happen, I would have gone to work and go over for dinner after work, and wouldn't have made myself look like and IDIOT infront of your mother.
Woke up at 1pm and went to Raffles Medical at Bedok around 2 plus 3pm, empty-stomach. Came out around 3.30, and you said you wanna eat zui guay. So I bought a cake from Prima and a packet of Chicken rice together with zui guay. Took the fucking bus which was damn long and the weather is damn hot, and with my fucking stomach growling when I see people on bus chewing, munching on their food.
No thank you for the cake when u see me, and said that you'll shorten your life if you cut too much cakes, well, then DUMP that cake away... or eat without blowing the candles?
No thank you.
I can't eat my chicken rice because
1- your mom gonna cook dumpling noodles
2- I'm coughing.
Am i wrong to buy something to eat when i'm hungry? How would i know your mum had prepared the dumpling before hand? It would be more convenient to eat the packet rice than to ask someone to cook for you when you're hungry RIGHT?
I find myself no wrong, and am right to throw tantrum, but you too... find yourself no wrong, and dun deserve to pamper me. I didn't ask you to. and, don't need you to say sorry when you find yourself no wrong.
You told me that this is not a quarrel, nor you wanna find a quarrel, but do you know HOW MUCH I'M HURT BY THOSE WORDS YOU SAID JUST NOW????
have you ever think if you are in my place?
is it a fault to be stupid??? =(
writtern @9/23/2008 10:56:00 PM
?? What's my mommy doing?? Look Out! CRABBIE!
writtern @9/22/2008 12:11:00 AM
writtern @9/21/2008 11:47:00 PM
i'm an idiot...
Causing so much of mood swings, troubles for the people around me..
Nobody is able to tolerate my temper..
Even you...
Would you get tired one day and leave me.. even now u said u're like koala bear...
Maybe someone who's able to cook, and concern u more than i do... maybe someone who got no much temper wun be as swingy as me appear in your life? and you'll leave me......
You're not the only one who's afraid of retribution.. i should be the one who will take the retribution...
writtern @9/21/2008 10:35:00 PM
Its not as if I'M NOT PUTTING IN MY EFFORT to drive properly, I'M NOT SOME GENIUS OR SOME FAST LEARNER, I seriously need time. I'm not those kind of people who'll straight away listen straight away know how to do, or not those kind of people who will know what to do after a few times of explaining..
Aiya, to you this kind of big group CLEVER people, where will understand our this group of STUPID people..
I'm stupid..
writtern @9/21/2008 02:51:00 AM
Alright.. I feel bad that even after a lame movie, you, so tired, still have to go fulfil my stomach, and then watch me drive dangerously on the road and ending up having me slamming the fucking door at you..
I hate myself...
Hope that you're safe home.. sms me when you kinda forgif me? @_@
I hate my stupidity..
writtern @9/21/2008 02:44:00 AM
what's else to say about me?
1) I'm lousy
2) I got short term memory
3) I can't drive like others
4) Whatever you said, you always think I'm not listening
5) I'm always kidding about driving on the road
6) I'm always no worries for accident..
7) I'm dally queen
8) Always eating into others lane
9) 我只会发脾气!!!!
yeah.. maybe i'm just someone who's UNREASONABLE!!!
Why can't you understand that I'm trying my best to drive, I'm trying my best to remember whatever is said? Do you have to make me really show my STUPIDITY that I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER EVERY SINGLE THING EVERYBODY TOLD ME!?
i'm lousy..
Who will then really understand me, my 痛苦 =( ...
writtern @9/21/2008 02:39:00 AM

(*Illustration*) Hee.. on the 18th of June 2008, the boy boy on the right kissed the girl girl on the left...
and on the 18th of September 2008, they are together for 3 months already!!!
Felt so 幸福 with you for the past 3 months, and hope more more to come, holding hand in hand till we old~ heee....
Love you big big my ahbu bee bee..
writtern @9/17/2008 11:57:00 PM
Supposed to meet up on Wednesday for shopping and dinner... End up most of us are not free, so kind of postponed it to next week...
The meet up with Tong and Hui continues~ Kind of feel bad too, cos boy boy can't meet me, then I then am able to meet them @_@~~ but also cos hui gonna go back camp next week, so.. only left today free~ wahaha..
Went around look look see see shop shop~ and end ourselves up at Sakura Buffet~ wahaha..
Kinda expensive, but enjoyable, cos the food in there are quite nice? @_@ at least betta than wateva Seoul Gard*** ending up making ourselves smelly only.. Anyway... Let the pictus do the talking!!!
Recommendation!!! The oyster or wateva this is called.. its damn nice...
Alright, Tong yi chose these @_@ (Basically all the cakes)

This was already the second serving~~
writtern @9/16/2008 11:48:00 PM
Got this from my brother's blog.. wahaha...
His hair got caught, too long? @_@
Mr.V. : Teckwee, Go Cut Your Hair.ME : Don't WANT!Mr.V. : Huuhhh??
Me: HUUUHHHHHH??? (Originated from Huh-Huh 3 brothers from Eyeshield 21)Mr.V. : (dulan) What did you say?Me : I DUNWAN CUT!Mr.V. : WHY?
Mr.V. : (Raises Voice) STAND UP NOW!.ME : k lo.. wan go where?
Mr.V. : Follow Me.
writtern @9/14/2008 03:12:00 PM
Its mooncake / lantern (wateva @_@) festival today, and in the end we made dumpling, erm.. those fried ones instead of those... wrap ones? 饺子 vs 云吞 vs 粽子 (-_-" all are called dumplings... -_-")

The moon tonight so round so big.. how I hope you're around with me to 赏月!!! ~,~
Miss you~~
writtern @9/14/2008 01:45:00 PM
writtern @9/13/2008 07:23:00 PM