Never sleep for 24 hours++ zzz... Went to school after work yesterday, and then back home, then played and win a bit of mahjong till 3am in the morning and then 4am to Budget Terminal to send Tong off...

Our don't know Hanis or Hans's breakfast. zzz...


Alright, the 4 of us finally get to go out, but its SENDING TONG OFF!!! Sad..
祝她一路顺风!Will be seeing her in Feb. Hopefully I dun have much things on that day! Cos the following day she's gonna fly for Aust for 2 YEARS!!! wthhh~
Someone pissed me off at work today.
I think almost everybody piss me off at work actually.
We were kind of being asked to shift the files to the second floor yesterday, and someone ACCUSED us of TOUCHING their stuffs, and shouted like nobody's business at work just now. One of the sentence says "If i were to touch their files UPSTAIRS, what will THEY think?", particularly in MALAY.
Sorry madam, although I don't understand quite A LOT of malay words, I still kind of UNDERSTAND ok? And if you are really that unhappy about what has been done to your FILES, please FUCKING confront me, instead of saying all these kind of rubbish in ANOTHER language.
P.S, We, did not TOUCH your FILES!
In the end, the commotions got to William, and he suggested to send out emails on BEHALF of HER. ha... and that ends her KPKB-ness. zzzzz
P said that Siti's gonna come back PMC. She might be back to Renewal. and P said that I might be the one who needs the TRANSFER, meaning, to another department, ACCOUNTS.
I told her I want to RESIGN. =)
If for fuck sake, you don't want me in your department, don't ACT as if you WANT me. We all know WHAT KIND OF PERSON you ARE.
The day before yesterday.
P said that she gonna resign because of last Friday's incident.
Sometimes, I SERIOUSLY feel that somebody needs to be taught some LESSONS, in order to grow up. SERIOUS. Just because you said something about this person, and this person confronted YOU, you want to RESIGN. I should put it this way, RESIGN as in wanting people to KEEP you, wanting people to CONSOLE you, wanting people to SIDE/BACK you up.
Sorry, that's kind of OUTDATED right now.
I miss BooBoo.. (alot of names uh? -_-')
Finally get to see him today, bringing a heavy heart to work as I ASSUME that we will be getting our results for our quiz last week, today. And then,
THERE'S NO SCHOOL TODAY!!wtf... Poor boo boo went all the way there and then found out that there's no school. hahaha... =X
He told me something about his dream... =X
He had another girl with him, and saw me on a bus back home, I went over to the girl and told her that Booboo is trying to cheat her feeling.
Hmmm.. MAYBE, subconciously, he tried to cheat my feeling? wahahaha.. SIAO. ASSSS EYE EHHH OHHHHH~~
I said that I will go to the Dream Dictionary for definitions on ADULTERY. wahaha...
If you committed it, be on guard against confiding in new friends; if you resisted it, you may have some disappointing setbacks, but they will be temporary.
Girlfriend Compared to dreams of marriage and family, to dream of a girlfriend represents a desire for a loosely defined commitment; it may spring from mounting anxiety or sexual excitement. Often the girl is a reflection of yourself, so take note of how you treat her. Most girlfriend dreams involve travel--if yours doesn't, you may be overdue for a trip. If you're fooling with somebody else's girlfriend, you are suppressing passion in your waking life.
Wahaha... Don't know how true it is. zzzz
Its kind of last minute to go for clubbing last saturday @_@
Ended up with not much fun!!!
lolxz.. ah bec came my house to go together @_@

The rest were taken like -_-' that's why i didn't post. zzzz
lolxz.. I didn't post quite a lot for the past 2 months and here I go with the 3 posts at one time -_-' zzz....
I wonder if it will still be true if Even years will be good for me and Odd years will be bad for me.
From my past experiences, it has never been good for me. How I really hope that this year will be different =(
2009!!! My Resolution!
1) I want my family to be healthy
2) I want my bro to study hard and pass well for his N level and shun shun to Sec 5!
3) I want my sis to find a good bf
4) I want to pass my exams shun shun!
5) I want to have higher increment!
6) I want bee and my r/s to be shun shun!
Things to get
1) I want Wii!
2) I want Samsung Pixon!
Wahahaha... Dragged my feet to work yesterday.. cos its NEW YEAR EVE! what the hell!!!
they said there's no half day. I was waiting for any email sent by William before lunch to see if we can go off early.
No email.
After lunch, i heard that there might be chance at 3pm.
No email.
and then...
An email came at 3.30pm, saying a lot of rubbish in the beginning (which i skipped). What I did was, scroll all the way down to the bottom and see if there's any notification saying that we can go off early and it says "you people can go at 4pm today, Happy new year and see you next year" WAHAHAHA!!!
Kind of happy as boss gave us cash gift at the end of business.. wahaha... including my bonus! wahaha... abit stupid to be so excited cos that cash gift is actually from our bonus. Did you realise it? wahaha.. only clever people will realise it de laaa~~~
Got so amazed by the $50 that boss gave us -_-'